
ALZELC, Addis Ababa 2024

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The Mwanza Conference took place at St. Augustine University in Nyegezi, Mwanza, in July 2018. It was a highly successful event, bringing together participants from all countries in the Great Lakes region, all sponsored by the US Embassy in Tanzania.
The theme of the conference was, “Innovate, Integrate and Connect Language Teaching”
This conference catalysed the establishment of The African Lake Zone English Language Consortium (ALZELC). ALZELC is a professional development union for teachers’ associations from countries around Lake Victoria. Initially, its founding members included the Tanzanian English Language Teachers’ Association (TELTA), the Zanzibar Professionals of English Language Teaching Organization (ZAPELATO), the Congolese Language Support Society (CLASS), the Association of Teachers of English in Rwanda (ATER), and the Uganda National English Language Teachers’ Association (UNELTA). Tanzania, as the host country, provided the chairmanship for ALZELC.